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This page is ocasionally maintained to provide general information about Masaaki Miki, currently an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences/ College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo.
Our (small) office is located at the University of Tokyo, on the Komaba campus, 15th building, 6th floor, 606B.
The nearest train station is Komaba-Todai-Mae, which is two stops away from Shibuya station by the Inokashira line.
2012-2015五十嵐デザインインターフェースプロジェクト(JST)などでポスドクをする傍ら英国Bath大学(受け入れ教員Chris J. K. Williams)やスイスETH Zurich(受け入れ教員Philippe Block)に滞在
2015 SiggraphよりNurbsと応力関数を用いた純圧縮構造の形状決定手法に関する論文が採択
2015-2020 4年ほど米国最大の建築設計事務所Skidmore, Owings and Merrillにアーキテクトとして勤務
2020-現在 東京大学総合文化研究科広域科学専攻広域システム科学系・助教
2022 Siggraph AsiaよりNurbsと応力関数を用いた引張り圧縮混合型シェル構造の形状決定手法に関する論文が採択
2024 SiggraphよりNurbsと応力関数を用いた引張り圧縮混合型グリッドシェル構造の形状決定手法に関する論文が採択
Short CV of Masaaki Miki
Assistant Professor, General Systems Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo.
After receiving a Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo, I joined the Igarashi User Interface research group ( and worked as a post-doc researcher for about four years (2012-2015).
During that period, I visited the University of Bath (UK, hosted by Chris J. K. Williams) for two months and ETH Zurich (Switzerland, hosted by Philippe Block) for one month. There, I started the development of Airy's stress function-based form-finding tools. In 2015, my paper about Airy's stress function-based form-finding was accepted for presentation at Siggraph 2015 and publication from Transactions on Graphics (ToG).
From 2015 to 2020, I worked for Skidmore Owings and Merrill (Chicago, US) as an architect for 4.5 years and developed parametric modeling skills. Since 2020, I have been back in Japan and am in the present position until now. In 2022, I wrote (co-authored with Toby Mitchell) one more paper about Airy's stress function-based form-finding, which was accepted to Siggraph Asia 2022 (journal track). In 2024, my third paper (co-authored with Toby Mitchell again) about Airy's stress function-based form-finding was once again accepted to Siggraph 2024 (journal track).
I am a researcher/scientist/engineer/architect trying to bridge the gaps between different disciplines. At school, I teach Graphic Statics and Architectural Geometry. I also teach CAD and hand drafting to students in the junior division.
令和7年度(2025年度) 広域科学専攻大学院入試説明会は、2024年4月20日(土)と5月25日(土)にハイブリッド形式(生命環境科学系はオンラインのみ)で開催されます。
For addmission for 2025 (Reiwa 7), the Department of General Systems Studies will be holding an orientation meeting (2024/04/20 and 2024/05/25) to explain the admission exam and the related processes.
I'm currently an assistant professor but I can supervise your master's research if you select Prof. Tachi as a primary supervisor.
The accepted research topics include form-finding for shells, grid shells, and tensile structures, as well as the general application of surfaces and curves in architectural design. Additionally, I welcome proposals for new topics related to parametric modeling and innovative methods for constructing new architectural structures. If you are interested, please contact me using the address shown below. Though there is no specific date reserved for entrance guidance, I can arrange an online meeting so we can talk about research topics.
Project Kah-neh-gon (2025)
Project page
Hopefully coming soon.
Project Gamera (2024)
In architecture, thin surface structures that can withstand gravity are called shells. In 2022, we developed a novel computational framework for finding forms of shells that allows a mixed tension-compression stress state in the solution.
Nowadays, due to the high development of construction technology and fabrication machining techniques, not only continuum shells built of reinforced concrete but also metal-glass grid shells have become a strong option. As Helmutt Pottmann's research group and many others have repeatedly pointed out, the alignment of two networks, namely principal stress and principal curvature nets, is highly desired in grid shell design, as both nets' significant properties are desired for the grid shell design. We discovered that this alignment condition can be described as a bilinear second-order partial differential equation (PDE), which has the same form as the equilibrium equation of shells. As we have already successfully developed a computational method to solve the equilibrium equation back in 2022, it is straightforward to solve the newly discovered alignment condition. It is even possible to solve two bilinear equations simultaneously, allowing us to design grid shells that offer no bending action under gravity and can be covered by planar quadrilateral glass panels.
Our paper presenting this new method, as well as the newly discovered PDE -alignment conditions-, was accepted for presentation at Siggraph 2024 and will appear in Transactions on Graphics (TOG) in July 2024.
Masaaki Miki and Toby Mitchell. 2024 (to appear). Alignment Conditions for NURBS-based Design of Mixed Tension-compression Grid Shells. ACM Trans. Graph. 43, 4, Article 81 (July 2024), 16 pages.
Project Godzilla (2022)
In architecture, shapes of surfaces capable to stream self-weight of the surface itself toward the ground with in-plane stresses only but with no bending action are considered ideal for thin surface structures, called shells. Regardless of it is done physicaly or computationally, a process to find such shapes is called form-finding.
In shell form-finding, it has been pointed out that mixed tension-compression form-finding is considerably difficult due to the hyperbolic-ellipctic nature of the equilibrium equation. Switching from Galerkin method to least squares method and implementing a powerful bilinear systems solver, called Variable Projection (VarPro) method, we have managed to develop a NURBS-based form-finding method that can properly handle mixed tension-compression stress state.
Our paper presenting this new method was accepted for presentation at Siggraph Asia 2022 and was published in Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
Masaaki Miki and Toby Mitchell. 2022. Interactive Exploration of Tension-Compression Mixed Shells. ACM Trans. Graph. 41, 6, Article 263 (December 2022), 14 pages.
Project Mothra (2015)
In architecture, shapes of surfaces capable to stream self-weight of the surface itself toward the ground with in-plane stresses only but with no bending action are considered ideal for thin surface structures, called shells. Regardless of it is done physicaly or computationally, a process to find such shapes is called form-finding.
This research presented a computational method that employs NURBS surfaces as geometry representation of shells and directly solves the equilibrium equation of shells without discretizing them into meshes or line networks. The method also uses a very interesting concept called Airy's stress function and represents it using NURBS surfaces as well. Our paper presenting this new NURBS-based and Airy's stress function-based method was accepted for presentation at Siggraph 2015 and was puclished in Transactions on Graphics (ToG).
Masaaki Miki, Takeo Igarashi, and Philippe Block. 2015. Parametric self-supporting surfaces via direct computation of airy stress functions. ACM Trans. Graph. 34, 4, Article 89 (August 2015), 12 pages.
Selected Publications
Miki, M., and Mitchell, T. 2024. Alignment conditions for NURBS-based design of mixed tension-compression grid shells. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 43(3), Article 81.
Miki, M., and Mitchell, T. 2022. Interactive exploration of tension-compression mixed shells. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 41(6), Article 263.
Miki, M., Adiels, E., Baker, W., Mitchell, T., Sehlstrom, A., and Williams, C. 2022. Form-finding of shells containing both tension and compression using the Airy stress function. International Journal of Space Structures, 37(4), p.261–282.
Miki, M., Igarashi, T., and Block, P. 2015. Parametric self-supporting surfaces via direct computation of airy stress functions. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(4), Article 89.
Yoshida, H., Igarashi, T., Obuchi, Y., Takami, Y., Sato, J., Araki, M., Miki, M., Nagata, K., Sakai, K., and Igarashi, S. 2015. Architecture-scale human-assisted additive manufacturing. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(4), Article 88.
Miki, M., Adriaenssens, S., Igarashi, T., and Kawaguchi, K. 2014. The geodesic dynamic relaxation method for problems of equilibrium with equality constraint conditions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 99(9), p.682–710.
Research grants
Kakenhi, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research (2023-2025).
Nohmura Foundation research grant (2024-2025).
Nohmura Foundation research grant (2022-2023).
Maeda Engineering Foundation, 2023
Hangai Prize / IASS, 2010 (as an inidivisual)
Tsuobi Prize / IASS, 2017 (as a group)
Dean's Award of Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, 2009
Links to academic SSN
Research Gate author profile (EN)
Google Scholar author profile (EN)